Tag Archives: weather

Does the Outdoor Temperature/Weather Affect Your Appetite?

I am affected by the outdoor weather. When it’s blazing hot, I have almost no appetite; one of the rare times I don’t want to eat. Conversely, when the weather is cold, snowy, rainy, I like to have warm and comforting foods.  A blanket of snow calls for chili, soup, stew, casseroles, any such very warming food.

You are also affected by the weather, to a greater or lesser degree, though you may not be aware of the connection. We are often not aware that outside climate factors can have a great impact on our desire to eat, and the kinds of foods we want to eat; they also impact our sleep, desire to move, and other behaviors.

Some people are brought very low, even to depression by certain kinds of weather, particularly during the short days of winter.  But other kinds of weather can also make people react at a very deep biological level.  High winds unsettle most people, deep cold, that is, temperatures that fall well below freezing make people uneasy. Very bright sunlight, or simply bright light often affects people prone to migraine or other neurological disorders.

If you have not yet, begin to take note of the way you feel in various kinds of weather conditions. I joke with my family that 72F with a light breeze is my idea of good weather, but I also find a comfort on rainy, cool afternoons when I can be at home settled in a chair with a good book or movie.

When I did my most detailed journals of my food, along with noting mood, I noted the weather; not surprisingly, there was often a correlation. Days when I felt unsettled, antsy, aggravated, such as when the winds were high, I tended to be hungry, and want to eat more often.

Just a reminder that we developed in closer connection with the out-of-doors than we tend to live now, but we are still very much a part of the changes going on there whether we realize it or not.

Yours in knowledge,

Nan aka Sugarbaby

For more: http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/fall-weather-brings-risk-of-de/18331198